Media Agencies and RSMB

Media Agencies strive to achieve the best possible planning, targeting and cost-effective results for their clients and in a competitive market this is a process of continuous improvement and innovation.

How RSMB can help

Media Agencies rely on statistical models to integrate datasets and RSMB provides a range of solutions to enhance planning, targeting and evaluation:

With unrivalled expertise in all the major media measurement datasets, as well as cross-media solutions such as CFlight and VID models (as used in the WFA North Star initiative / Project Origin), we are in an unique position to provide consultancy to help you deliver the best possible performance across your activity.

Results you can expect

After projects such as data cleaning and data fusion, the quality of your datasets will be improved leading to better results for your clients. Where we evaluate your own solutions, you will be able to provide independent reassurance to clients that your methodologies do deliver what you promise.