Let us help you unlock the value in your data

Most organisations don't make full use of their data to gain customer insight. RSMB can help.  

Some of the ways RSMB can help

Conducting  a Data Audit

If you have multiple datasets that you feel you're not getting the most value from, the first step is to undertake an audit of the data you hold: this may be "first party data" eg data you've collected from users of your website, survey data, data from partners or even data you buy from other providers. You also need to understand if this includes Personally Identifiable Information that may need to be processed carefully. Other considerations are how "clean" the data is, any gaps that may need to be modelled to make it as useful as possible and any weighting that may be required to make it representative of the population, your distribution or your customer base. 

RSMB can help with templates for you to do your own data audits or undertake them on your behalf. We can also help with cleaning and weighting of your data to ensure it is representative and precise.

Integrating your data

Managed well, your data can be more powerful than the sum of its parts if you integrate datasets and use it in more holistic ways. There are two ways to do this: Deterministically by matching things like email addresses that are common between datasets and probabilistically by matching people based on similarities such as demographics, media consumption, lifestyles or consumption data. Data integration can be an iterative process where you combine the data from multiple  datasets. 

RSMB has 30 years experience with data integration and can integrate your datasets for you. Alternatively, you can use our self service platform and utilise our methodology yourself.

Democratising your data

Often Data is held in the research department which means that it's harder for the organisation as a whole to use audience insights to deliver outcomes whether it's in product development, marketing, sales or partnerships. The wider knowledge is shared in the organisation through intranets and dashboards, the better decisions will be. Don't forget that creative teams such as product design need audience insight too.

RSMB can help with data dashboards and advise on how intranet tools such as SharePoint can be used effectively for sharing information.

Customer Segmentations

Using customer segmentations can be helpful in targeting your customers with different messages dependent, for example, on weight of usage of your product, whether they are current, lapsed or potential customers and so on. Good segmentations are based on statistical techniques that look for common drivers or characteristics of customer behaviour.

RSMB can help by undertaking segmentations of your data, particularly with a view to integrating it further with industry datasets.

Integrating with IPA Touchpoints Planner

The IPA Touchpoints Planner is a tool that allows you to understand how your target audience consumes media. It can also be integrated with your own in house datasets, for example to overlay media consumption onto your own customer segmentation.

RSMB create the Touchpoints Planner for the IPA and are experts in integrating it with other datasets. We are therefore best placed to integrate your data with the Touchpoints Planner database

Data Clean Rooms

If you exchange data with partners, it is possible to do this in a privacy safe way using data clean rooms. Both parties retain access to their own data and the data exchange happens without either party having access to the other's data. This allows data to be enriched, for example a advertiser can work with a broadcaster to understand if an advert on a Video on Demand Platform resulted in a sale in their store (loyalty card) or website (first party data).

RSMB partners with companies like Snowflake and can help with clean room solutions.

Expanding your data cost-effectively

It's expensive, and often impossible, to add additional customer information across your entire database. This is where expansion by survey comes in. Survey a subset of your customers to gain data on the new attributes you want to include in your entire database, including key determinant variables to make the data integration as robust as possible and then fuse the survey data across your entire database. This is a cost-effective way of enriching your dataset.

RSMB can help with the survey, ensuring that you have the right "hooks" for the data fusion and conduct the integration for you.


Evaluating the effect of your campaign is an important step in the iterative process of improving the effectiveness of your advertising campaigns. It has become cheaper and easier to buy advertising on TV and other media but a lot of companies find the data hard to understand and complex to manipulate. If you choose to do in house campaign evaluation you need to make sure you have the right analysis tools and understand how measurement data fits together. New solutions such as Barb CFlight for integrated analysis of campaigns across TV and Broadcaster VoD and ISBA Origin aim to meet new measurement challenges  but also add a layer of complexity.

RSMB have 35 plus years of working with the main UK measurement currencies and have been involved in both CFlight and Origin. We also handle data from all the main measurement currencies to create the IPA Touchpoints Planner. We therefore have unrivalled experience in working with measurement data and can help you with your reporting.

Supplier Methodology 

If you are reliant on the methodologies and algorithms of third party suppliers ask to see evaluations of them. if you have commissioned a third party to develop a methodology exclusively for you, have it validated.

RSMB can help by working with your suppliers to provide validation reports for their methodologies. We can also help you evaluate which solution may be best for you.

Get in touch

We're passionate about what we do and always happy to have a no obligation chat about how we may be able to help.

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